why is the tigrillo endanger?

The skin is coveted by illegal hunting, despite the fact that it has less value than that of the ocelot. The most important threat it faces is deforestation, especially in western forests. According to the IUCN, until 1990 this species was in a vulnerable state, then from 1996 to 2002 it was registered as minor concern and as of 2008 it is in a near threatened state.

Among the main threats to its conservation is the loss and fragmentation of its habitat due to agricultural and livestock activities throughout its distribution area and the intense poaching of the species (important in the illegal fur trade) and its prey. (Álvarez del Toro, 1977; Leopold, 1965; Oliveira, 1998).

Current status of the habitat with respect to the needs of the species

The main threat to the oncilla is the loss of its habitat, hundreds of hectares of tropical forests are destroyed or fragmented annually, mainly in the Mexican southeast due to agricultural and livestock activities (Masera et al., 1999; Oliveira, 1998).


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